Top Database Software
by : Kim Ernest Descallar R.
What’s up guys? Welcome to my webpage! And today our topic is the Top Database Software.
So first of all we must define the Database Software. According to a Database software is the phrase used to describe any software that is designed for creating databases and managing the information stored in them. Sometimes referred to as database management systems (DBMS). So basically a Database software is a type of software that you will use for creating database, So what is the Database? for my own understanding a database is a collection of data you gathered or compiled data or information that you put into the computer that will the program or the computer will understand, literally what I’m saying is you can’t put a piece of paper that contains data or information inside the computer you need to manually type it and compiled it into the computer which makes data and the data you are creating will be compiled on the data base. So before we get too far let’s now talk about the database software. Let’s get started.
Oracle RDBMS
Oracle Enterprise Server, created for grid computing, is the best RDBMS, running on many devices with the latest version 12c, were the "c" is for cloud computing. On the IT industry, Oracle is "THE DATABASE." If you are planning to be a database administrator (DBA), you should be familiar to the Oracle DBA, and you are all good to go. Oracle has the unwavering market share in database field with most corporations, government agencies, and mission-critical data centers is using Oracle database in the Real Application Cluster (RAC) environment. There are plenty job opportunities with Oracle database.
DB2 is the database management system that gives an easy and cost-effective database platform to use in business applications. The IBM positions DB2 as the database of choice for a robust environment, enterprise-wide solutions handling ton of workloads and boosted to deliver industry-leading performance while cutting the costs. DB2 is used by many big companies, like for example, VSP, the leading vision insurance company, run its whole business on DB2. While DB2 is most likely to not big as Oracle in market share, it is sure in the next position.
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server is all in one database software platform providing enterprise-class data management and has a business intelligence (BI) tools. Even it is in a late starter on database, Microsoft manage a strategic investments to compete its SQLServer to the frontline from Oracle and DB2 head-to-head. As the ground of Microsoft's comprehensive data platform, SQL Server gives powerful performance for mission-critical applications, using in-memory technologies, quick insights from any records to any user in common tools like Excel, and a strong platform for building, deploying, and creating solutions that expand on-premises and in cloud. Microsoft gives big discounts to education divisions including public schools, universities, and many public agencies in education, which helped SQLServer get a user base much.
SAP Sybase ASE
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE), formerly Sybase, is a high-end performance, mission-critical database management system that grant customers an operational advantage by cutting costs and lowering risks. Sybase is one of the big 3 database giants (with Oracle and DB2) dominating on the database field, but Sybase decrease their power overtime, and sold out to SAP really cheap. Sybase database is mainly used in banking industry. It is uncertain what will happen to the future of SAP/Sybase database product since it depends on how SAP wants to position the ASE. Right now SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP Sybase ASE) is advertised as the affordable relational database management system (RDBMS) designed for robust performance transaction applications involving enormous amount of data and ton of users. In short, SAP/Sybase database is still a powerful player, but its future is undetermined.
Teradata Database, says- "When the world gets smaller, the data gets bigger," is the most powerful Massive Database (VLDB) system. Right now the idea of VLDB has shifted to Massive Data which targets the value of data for business decision making. Many big scale data warehousing and business intelligence systems are supported by Teradata. Teradata database is mainly used by big retailers and telecom companies. Teradata gives some distinctive features: the intelligent optimizer to process queries & filter data to efficiently answer to any application, applying that query strength to vigorous data without giving columns to your table to get a new data.
MySQL. An open source database, is widely use database for web-based business applications, and going to enterprise level. MySQL is one of the most popular database in our internet systems like e-commerce and dynamic website. If you create your own website with Wordpress, you will be using MySQL. Most of the world's largest and quick growing organizations like Facebook, Google, Adobe, Alcatel Lucent and Zappos relies on MySQL to conserve money and time powering their mass volume Web sites, business-critical applications and packaged software. MySQL is now in Oracle but still gains its independence.
FileMaker is the #1-selling easy to use database software for Windows and Mac operating system. But, on the rise of Microsoft Access, FileMake has lose its competitive in the Windows environment, which forced them to strategically create strength on Mac platform. FileMaker, Inc., is now in Apple side, which may sure to secure FileMaker's future supported by the power of Apple. FileMaker Server boost in performance of shared databases while increasing the security.
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access is commonly used on desktop database application in Windows. Having with the Microsoft Office suite, Access is cost effective and accessible from many different Windows laptops and Pcs’. Even though it considered as a desktop database, Access widely use database for internet systems, - many e-commerce sites and content management systems is helped by Access database working on the Microsoft's IIS web server platform. Skills of Microsoft Access are always in, but the pay might not be good.
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